It is fortunate, or providential, that he was born the son of a wealthy oil businessman. His father understood his son’s gift. Salma did attempt to put his son through private schooling, and while Laith did excel initially, it was eventually demonstrated that his son was growing bored with the classes. This proved to be a sort of weakness: as long as it was exciting to him, he could remain engaged. He could learn material. But without excitement, without enthusiasm, there was no learning he could do.
Laith Salma was taken from those schools and placed under private tutelage. And this was wise: he became active as a learner once again. This was when he discovered his love of people and interaction. By having a teacher whom he could interact with in a meaningful way, Laith Salma found himself challenged and stimulated by different turns. This was learning that he could understand and appreciate, and he fell to it with gusto.
Eventually, a new problem presented itself. Laith Salma had not run out of things to learn, but his tutor had run out of things to teach. Laith Salma decided to go to his father and ask for the opportunity to study abroad.
This may be seen by some as precocious, but that’s just another word for initiative. His father saw it as something of an investment in the grooming of his son to be someone great. He approved of his son’s decision, when he decided to study abroad in America.
Since then, Laith Salma has been studying in New York City.